Monday, February 27, 2012

High Demand For Operators Today and in the Future

There is a demand for operator of heavy equipment and it is rising. There are many reasons the demand is high but what you need to know is that Heavy Construction Academy is a greta training school that will get you on your way to being an operator.

There is a large number of heavy equipment operators that are baby boomers. These workers are counting down the days until retirement. This will leave a huge gap in many work sites nationwide. Also, there are many projects going on everywhere that require operators on the machinery. From construction to mining, operators are needed.

If you are someone who has not decided which direction the future is headed, maybe heavy equipment operation is for you. You may be young and looking for that first real life decision or maybe yo uhave hit a dead end in your job status mid-life. Whatever your story, consider Heavy Construction Academy. You will gain a great education and enter a booming career field. HCA has professionals instructing the courses and students walk away with a hefty amount of knowledge and a whole set of new skills mastered.

If you are even slightly interested in this field of work or have questions about it, contact Heavy Construction Academy today. It is better to inquire and decide not to do it than to wonder forever. you can contact the school via online form or directly on the phone. The staff will be happy to help you figure out if this is a viable option for your life. If you are looking for a satisfied, successful life within your career, choose Heavy Construction Academy. You will be a successful operator in no time.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Heavy Construction Academy: Why it is Necessary

You don’t really need to put yourself through training to be a successful heavy equipment operator, right? WRONG!! So many current operators are being released from their positions and being told to go through training to gain certification. It is better to do it ahead of time so that you can continuously move up in your career rather than have the brakes put on years into it. Also, in today’s market for these jobs, employers are typically only hiring those who already have gone through training because it is less of a safety liability for their company. If you want a position that is great pay, fun to do, and gives you a place to grow, then you need to complete Heavy Construction Academy before entering the work field.

There are many different training facilities you can go to for this industry but only one offers state of the art training, an amazing staff, and career services that last beyond graduation. Heavy Construction Academy will not only train you on the basics of the industry but you will be prepared to handle any situation because your safety training will be thorough. Also, you will have had amazing hands on training with the machines. You will literally learn to operate the machines from driver’s seat. You will be trained by instructors at HCA who were professionals in the field themselves. They have hundreds of years of experience put together. They will train you from legitimate experience which is the best way for most to learn. Lastly, Heavy Construction Academy offers career services including resume writing & distribution, interview training, and job location to graduates.

Heavy Construction Academy is not just a good idea to do before beginning your career as a heavy equipment operator; it is necessary. You will be hired for a better job because of it. Your future will be more successful because of it. You will look back and be proud to say you graduated from Heavy Construction Academy.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Heavy Construction Academy

As a student at Heavy Construction Academy, you will have the opportunity to learn to be a successful heavy equipment operator. You will have the privilege of being taught by the best in the industry to be the best. Heavy equipment operators are currently in demand all over the work in many different capacities.

Heavy Construction Academy is a training facility dedicated to training and preparing students for a successful future as an operator. Heavy equipment operators can work in construction, demolition, mining and many other areas of work. This school assists students in learning the basics of the industry as well as the importance and logistics of safety as an operator. Also, the students get the opportunity to physically train on the machinery. They learn to operate the machines by actually operating them! This type of learning is the best because it is hands on and students learn best in this way.

HCA gives students the opportunity to learn from experience. Each and every instructor at the school has a past history in the heavy equipment industry. They have over 200 years of experience added together and it really helps when teaching students based on experience.

Heavy Construction Academy is a school that prides itself on its exceptional training. Students not only graduate as certified operators but they are truly ready to begin working as an operator. Overall this training is beneficial in creating successful professionals. Your career does not have to end with being an operator. You can have goals to someday manage and even own your own business in the industry.

If you are at all interest in heavy construction operation, please contact Heavy Construction Academy for more information or to enroll!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Heavy Construction Academy

Heavy Construction Academy is the best heavy equipment operator training available today. They have much to offer as they not only have quality training, but career services as well. The staff at HCA is always thinking of what is best for students and how to best teach them. The instructors are all former professionals in the industry. They can teach better than all others as they have the experience behind them to back up their knowledge.

At Heavy Construction Academy students have the opportunity to see what it is like to operate a piece of heavy machinery. You do not have to wait until you are done with the course but instead it is a built in as a part of the course.

Heavy Construction Academy also offers career services including interviewing skills, resume writing and distribution, and help finding open positions.

Most who graduate from HCA find themselves in a great position as a heavy equipment operator. It is important to set goals for each item in your course including your future career goals. These are vital when trying to see what your future may hold. You could work your way up in a ladder type style or decide to run your own company.

Heavy Construction Academy is a great training program that will get you certified and working in no time. You will benefit from the training and so will your future. If you are interested in operation or the training offered, please contact the school directly.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Heavy Construction Academy: True Story

I never thought I would find myself in the career I am currently in. I am a business owner. I own and manage my own construction business and I love it. Financially it is the best thing for my family. If not for Heavy Construction Academy, I would not be here. The training I received made me a great operator and I quickly moved up ranks in my position on a worksite. I started setting goals for myself right away and now retirement is all that is left! Thanks to the instructors who taught me at HCA, I am successful not only as an operator but as a manager of the people who work for me.
-Brandon D.
A heavy equipment operator? Not me! I had no interest in this field of work until I had hit several dead end jobs and had no more ideas left. I saw an ad for Heavy Construction Academy and wondered if they offered anything I would be good at. I checked out the website and called the school. Now I am enrolled and will begin training soon. I am looking forward to a successful career as an operator and am excited to learn all about it.
-Tony V.
I have learned so much in the last weeks of my life. I just finished operator school at Heavy Construction Academy. I learned all about the industry as well as safety. My favorite part was getting in the driver’s seat of the machines. I am now looking for a job. I sent out my resume (which the school helped me make) and am waiting for a phone call.
-Jeremy T.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Heavy Construction Academy for Your Career Future

"Trained operator" does not always mean qualified operator. Many training programs do not prepare students for the real world of heavy equipment operation. Heavy Construction Academy provides training in more than just the technicalities of the field. They assist with career services and walk with students from the moment they enroll until they begin a position as an operator. Becoming a certified operator will provide a stable and successful future. These operators make a good salary and the benefits are typically average to above average.

There is always room to grow once you enter the construction field. You can be an entry level operator and rise level to level in the company. It is important to have goals if moving up is something you desire. Maybe you want to someday have your own company. If this is the case, Heavy Construction Academy will prepare you the best for that future. The school is full of professionals waiting to teach the students by sharing their personal experiences. This is a great way to learn. Also, the hands on portion of the program is awesome. Students learn to operate heavy machinery by getting on and doing it first-hand.

If you want a successful career which will create a positive and exciting future, look into heavy equipment operation. Heavy Construction Academy will train and prepare you with the skills and knowledge that you will need to begin and grow in the industry.

Contact the school directly or through the online form to enroll in the program. You can also check out the school for free during a one day workshop called ‘Operator 101’. To hear more about this opportunity or to ask a question, contact Heavy Construction Academy.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Heavy Construction Academy as a Step to Success

As a heavy equipment operator you may find yourself mining, tearing down building, paving roads, or digging huge holes. The job has so many possibilities. These are all exciting things to think about but how does one go about becoming a heavy equipment operator? Heavy Construction Academy is the answer you are looking for. This school trains student to be qualified operators and go on to receive certification. Let’s not get too far ahead- here is what you need to do to become a heavy equipment operator:

First, look at your options for training. The best training is on site at a school. At Heavy Construction Academy, students learn the basics of the industry within a classroom. Here they also learn about safety, why it is important and how to practice safety precautions. Next, students have the opportunity to physically learn to operate heavy machinery. This is hands-on learning which is the most effective with most students. This school is a great option when searching for a training program.

Secondly, choose your school. To get enrolled at HCA, you can fill out the online form on the website or contact the school directly. The staff will work hard and quickly to get you on the road to your future success.
Next, look into getting certification and possibly a commercial driver’s license. These are not necessary for every operation position but will help you get the best jobs available. They are always an added bonus when sending out your resume to hiring employers.

Lastly, apply for positions anywhere and everywhere. If you chose to train with Heavy Construction Academy, the staff will assist you in sending and posting your resume. They will also get you connections with some open positions. Also, they will help you learn how to go through an employment interview.

With all of the skills and knowledge you will receive as a student of Heavy Construction Academy, you will become a successful heavy equipment operator in no time!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Heavy Construction Academy: Training in a Nutshell

There are many components of heavy equipment training. Some are more exciting than others but the y are all high in importance, thus the reason they are a part of training to be an operator. Training at Heavy Construction Academy is a choice that many choose for training because of the caliber of learning capabilities. There is a high recommendation of the school through construction companies and professionals in the industry.

The training program through HCA includes classes such as safety, maintenance, basics, and experience. The safety training may be the most important of all the areas of training in the course. A student can learn all there is to know about operating heavy equipment but without knowing and practicing safety, they are incapable of being successful in the field. Not only is safety important for themselves and their company but for anyone who is around. Too many times, accidents have occurred due to a lack of safety precautions being followed.

Maintenance is also a part of heavy equipment training. This is a vital part of training because once a student enters the field; they will be responsible for maintaining their machines. From cleaning to malfunctions, operators must know their machine and be able to understand the basic mechanics and how to maintain them.

The class about the basics of the industry is the foundation for all else in the course. This will explain machines, what they are used for, and different jobs within the industry. This course is not as helpful for those who are entering training just to update certification but is truly necessary for new workers in the field.

The ‘experience’ portion of training is the most exciting of all. Students at Heavy Construction Academy have the opportunity to physically learn to operate heavy equipment. This includes instruction on campus in the seat of a machine. Students learn more during this part of training than any other.

Contact Heavy Construction Academy to enroll or if you have any questions and get your future started today!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Heavy Construction Academy has it all

Students at Heavy Construction Academy are being trained to be heavy equipment operators. Between the staff and the actual coursework, HCA has a lot to offer. In fact, of all the things necessary to be a great training school, Heavy Construction Academy has it all.

The staff at HCA is made of instructors who not only know the information to teach the students but know the field from experience. Each of them has a background in the field and their experience adds up to hundreds of years together! The founder of the school also worked in the heavy equipment industry. After being very successful and gaining a lot of experience, he had a desire to teach and train students to prepare them for successful careers as well. This dream has become a reality as HCA is preparing students who are entering the work force as operators, fully trained and prepared to work.

The course programs at Heavy Construction Academy are not mediocre. They include classroom sessions which teach the basics of the field as well as safety. They also include hands on training with the actual equipment. Students gain tons of experience actually operating the machines and learning what their purposes are. These programs cannot be beat as they prepare students better for their future than any other training program out there.

Another benefit of HCA for the students is their career services. They will not leave graduates out to dry upon finishing their course. Instead they will assist in resume writing and distributing, job locating, and interviewing skills. This part of HCA is vital in the success of their students. Not many schools take such an interest in the welfare of their students. Heavy Construction Academy cares about students from the time of introduction until they are successful in a career. Heavy Construction Academy truly has it all when it comes to heavy equipment training